Hello and welcome to our family! We are Alhart Healthcare Training, and we are dedicated to the philosophy of people being Excellent to each other, and to themselves!

We offer a comprehensive Home Care Aide training program with an emphasis on real world, practical application for the skills and knowledge you will be studying and practicing with us, while at the same time making sure you have all your bases covered when it comes to knowing what is needed to pass your state HCA license exam!

Classes are offered in a blended learning format, with a hybrid of learn from home, in class, and through Zoom courses, all of which are done, formulated, and overseen by our licensed and experienced instructors!

Edward and Litza Alhart are a power couple who have been working in the Home Care Industry for the last 12 years together and who have been helping our HCA community to work through the challenges that come with a demanding yet rewarding career in Home Care and medical training.

We offer training in English and in Spanish, and you can take your state exam ON SITE once your training is completed, so there is no stress about having to jump around from place to place or to wait to get on a long waiting list like many other training locations force you to do.

Alhart Healthcare Training believes in making the process smart, streamlined and easy to work around your busy schedule, so we offer morning, afternoon and evening classes, Monday thru Friday.

Interested? Give us a call and get more info, inquire about our upcoming schedules, or get registered for one of our many class options in Mental Health, Dementia, Skills Test Prep, or the whole 75 hour Basic Training course including all the above and more!

We’ll look forward to seeing you in class!